Open Call Submissions

Our Dust Earth
We are seeking submissions for an anthology to be titled Our Dust Earth which will collect stories that take place within the Our Dust Earth mini-TTRPG (see the RPG section after Submission Guidelines in the linked PDF) world. This anthology is to be published in early summer of 2025 by the Air and Nothingness Press.
Stories will be based upon the RPG - Our Dust Earth, which is a "Dying Earth" era game. Please see the attached RPG pages for details on the world, types of characters and classes of beings, along with a small map of cities and areas encountered by players. The RPG will be published in the anthology as well.
We would prefer Science Fiction genre stories for this anthology, though if you are familiar with Jack Vance's Dying Earth, M. John Harrison's The Pastel City, or Matthew Hughes's Archonate Series, you may know there is a thin line between SF and Fantasy in those narratives. All stories are requested to be between 1000 and 3000 words in length.
Submission Dates
Reading/Review begins: January 1, 2025
Reading/Review ends: February 28th, 2025
All authors will be contacted by: April 15, 2025
Download the complete OC submission PDF here.

We are seeking stories for an anthology to be titled Mmeory which will collect stories of memory manipulation. To be published in late summer of 2025 by the Air and Nothingness Press. All stories to be between 1000 and 2000 words.
Theme: Memory manipulation - Examples include magic spells, cyborg memory edits, very unreliable narrators, time travel gone horribly wrong.
Submission Dates
This Open Call is now on hold. Updated submission dates wil be posted in Spring 2025.
General Submission Information
We like to seek out new authors and book ideas ourselves rather than be contacted directly because we are a small, self-funded press, and only publish 4-5 books a year. We usually offer open call submissions on anthologies we decide to do, or we contact authors directly if we have particular needs.
We pay $0.08/word for the stories we publish. Most of our books are limited editions of between 100 and 200 copies and we prefer to print physical books over creating ebooks.
The Air and Nothingness Press is interested only in publishing works created by the individual, creative efforts of human authors.
We are not completely opposed to the use of AI as a tool to develop art or writing, rather we are opposed to the use of it in place of art or writing. If you "wrote" a story by supplying an AI with a prompt, we are not interested.
Stories by authors who have employed any AI text-generation software, apps, services, or any other computer-assisted service or program in the writing of their submissions, including plot generators, human-machine "collaboration," titling, outlining, or any other form of computer driven influence on their creative process other than spelling and grammar checking will not be considered.
All potential book slots are currently filled for 2024.